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Hello! How are you doing? I feel like this year is going so fast and yet every day is like de ja vu. It certainly has been strange, but one good thing that has come out of lockdown is my work structure has been forced to be a bit more balanced which was something I was aiming for. I am trying hard to only be in the workshop Monday to Friday and take that weekends off! I know that is normal to most people, but for the past 6 ish years I have been working mainly 7 days a week. Even when I’m not in the workshop I’m doing all the other stuff, admin, thinking, preparing… there are always so many things to do. Anyway – I finally feel I have a better work balance, but whether I can produce enough work in that allotted time to meet demand is another question.


Exciting things you need to know…
Potfest is GO! The rescheduled dates are now confirmed. I am exhibiting at both Potfest Scotland and Potfest in the Pens. I have a bit of a Potfest Panic on now though as I am busy making stock for both shows. I got a new prop made too so I’m very excited about my display this year!

If you follow me on Instagram/Facebook, you will have seen my experiments with some new handle designs! I did a poll and the decision was 80% in favour of the new pulled handle style (like on the leopard print mugs). I have been testing these out all year and am really happy with how comfortable they are to hold. I still have some stock of the originals designs left on my website, but any mug made from now on will have the new style handle. From all the feedback it appears a lot of people like a BIG mug of tea or coffee, so I intend to make some BIG Mugs, (approx 450ml) for Potfest too! In the meantime there will be limited stock on my website, and I might be a little slower than usual responding to any e.mails as there is only 6 weeks to Potfest Scotland, Eeeeek!

Cheerio for now!

Some of the Mugs I make…